Racing to be the Best!



Every great story is filled with high’s and low’s that create the heart of an enduring story. As you experience this story you find so much life hiding in the small details and moments you weren’t expecting. Allowing these moments to occur and then drinking it all in to allow it to become a part of you is critical to truly being a part of the story forever.

This story started more than a decade ago as a simple idea. Do it better!

Racer Cafe opened its doors as a small, passionate shop providing excellent service that was and still is, hard to find. This passion for Doing it better fueled an incredible ride that found new friends, new experiences and a riding family that endures today. As Racer Cafe grew, so too did the demands on time. Time is a precious commodity that you simply cannot buy more of. These demands resulted in some hard decisions. It was time for a break. Time to explore other aspects of this amazing ride through life.

Now, half a decade after taking a break, enjoying time riding with the family this journey created, we are looking towards tomorrow. There is a new chapter brewing. The passion has never left. Perhaps it is just aging quietly and is about to be ready to share…

